Running the Jupyter notebook inside Docker Image(deep learning) in local host
Step 1: In putty , set up an ssh tunnel
(Using the tunnels option under ssh in category section)
Step 2: Connect the docker container port (destination port) to the port (source port)
Destination port : localhost:8888
Source port : 8000
Add the port to the tunnel and click open
Step 3: In the ssh shell,
List the containers
docker ps -l
List the images
docker images
Remove the images
docker rmi <Image ID>
Remove the container
docker rm <Container ID>
Run the docker container
docker run -it image-id bash -it interacting with the docker
Directly running the jupyter notebook and tunnel the port to the local host from the remote system
docker run -it -p 5000:8888 --ipc=host nikhil:full jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token= --notebook-dir='/root' Parameters to be changed
-p (source port): (port to which docker should be binded with)
<nikhil:full> docker image with tag
Step 4: Run it in the browser
Kill the processes
kill -9 pid
To know the open ports
sudo lsof -i -P -n